Storytelling through Fashion Technology with MakeFashion Edu
Sponsored by SteamHead 501c3
In this MakeFashion Edu Introduction Course, you will discover ways in which you can reach all students through the exploration of fashion tech. Participants will work in teams to go through a design thinking process (based on Stanford D-School), ideate and create a meaningful fashion tech piece using various levels of technology and revise with self and peers.
Who We Are
SteamHead is an equity project. We are a network of people, spaces, and events who collaborate to improve equity in education as the path forward.
Our Mission is to provide access to quality, relevant education focused on integrating design, technology, and community. We believe that by embracing design thinking and progressive education practices learning can be more open, engaging, and meaningful, and therefore more effective in preparing students for the challenges of the future.
Our Vision is a world where individuals are confident in their abilities, free to question, and have access to the resources and opportunities they need to build a fulfilling life of their own definition. A world that betters itself with each generation, where cognitive and social diversity collaborate and brings about thoughtful, meaningful, and innovative ways to progress humanity.
Virtual Spaces
We will exhibit our work in a virtual gallery, shared by five schools who are loving the experience of working across borders digitally!
Downloadable Worksheets
This course can guide your students through a semester of MakeFashion Edu - or simply a few classes if you want to warp-speed through it!
We have the essential worksheets prepared and ready to download + print out!